Many of the crimes committed by the National Socialist Underground (NSU) remain unprosecuted, and how vast the network is remains unclear.

We want to establish the «Pilotvorhaben für ein Dokumentationszentrum zum NSU-Komplex in Sachsen» as a space of commemoration and remembrance – a space at the juncture of past, present and future that will allow us to learn from the flawed investigations as we move towards a postmigrant society.

In memory of

Enver Şimşek

Abdurrahim Özüdoğru

Süleyman Taşköprü

Habil Kılıç

Mehmet Turgut​

İsmail Yaşar​

Theodoros Boulgarides​

Mehmet Kubaşik

Halit Yozgat​

Michèle Kiesewetter​

In solidarity with all victims and people affected by the crimes of the NSU, the victims’ relatives, the survivors of the attacks in Nuremberg, Probsteigasse (Cologne) and Keupstraße (Cologne), the survivor Martin A., the victims and survivors of the robberies in Chemnitz, Zwickau, Stralsund, Arnstadt and Eisenach.



The «Pilotvorhaben für ein Dokumentationszentrum zum NSU-Komplex in Sachsen» is a joint project by RAA Sachsen e.V., ASA-FF e.V. and Initiative Offene Gesellschaft e.V.